Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tablaraj Bangladesh General body meeting

                                                                            TablaRaj Bangladesh’s meeting was held on 20th November, 09’ under open sky in Mukto Moncho. The members had discussion for hours long and came to a decision for implementing few tentative objectives that would strengthen TRB as a whole. TRB is thinking to hold a mini in-house event and going to have a workshop on cultural subject considering high interest from all the people along with TRB members. TRB is now working at the field level and moving in deferent areas of Bangladesh to bring out the real talents and artist from hidden corner. We are looking forward to receive many biographies of these talents from anyone and any place with valid information and bring the great artists’ life and struggles in the lime light. It is highly appreciable if the members look forward for such talents and bring it to the TRB’s door and help us to meet our goal. We, the TRB members have started our journey with lights of success and we all hope to see the enlightening TRB in future.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Profile Of a Dedicated Artist Baul Abul Hossain

Living on singing
    Cruel Truth or ignorance
“Bonde maya lagaise, piriti shikhaise” – yes the love for singing is giving him to live on it. The song is sung by a sixty years old man, dark, short person with beard face. Du – Tara is the only partner of at this stage of his life. His engagement with Do-Tara took place when he became all alone without his wife and being unable to do any other tasks for his livelihood.Baul Abul Hossain was born in Comilla and brought up in a poor family. He could not get the opportunity for having academic education. He made his livelihood by being a boat man; that was the only source of income with which he had brought up his family of two sons and three daughters. Music was in his soul from his early age, which made him to capture all the rhythm and sing with harmony so nicely, even without having any academic lesson on music. He used to play Do – tara by his own as if the tunes were in his fingertips; it seems that Goddess of music enlightened him with great talent. He used to sing in his village for its entrainment purpose. The rhythmic sound coming from claps of the audience would give him satisfaction. This talent has become his only source of income to live on. He sings all deshi (local songs); baul, bhauai, shorioti, marfoti etc. He now sings at the street, sometimes with the rich peoples’ appeal and he gets some honor (in monetary term).
This is how our tradition or culture is ignored through valuing with little kind attitude for a moment or a day; example like Abul Hossain. This is the nation’s failure. End result turns into “living on singing”. 

TablaRaj Bangladesh always Support him with due respect .

Information Collected By: Tahera Hossain Mukta